Case Studies

QCCS Jilalan Rail Yard

This report details the performance of an Ec0G3N unit deployed at the QCSS, Jilalan Rail Yard, for a four-month period (119 days). The unit was connected to a 40ft office and a 40ft amenities block, and its generator runtime was compared to a traditional diesel generator operating 24 hours a day throughout the project.

Fuel Savings

The Ec0G3N unit operated for only 16.13 hours during the 119-day period. Compared to a diesel generator running continuously, this resulted in a significant fuel cost saving of $22,150.20, assuming a diesel price of $2.00 per litre.

Cost Analysis

While the Ec0G3N offered substantial fuel savings, factoring in the daily rental cost of $75 per day ($8,925.00 for the project duration) reduces the net savings to $13,225.20.

Generator Maintenance

It’s important to consider the maintenance requirements of a diesel generator. A typical 20kVA generator would require servicing 5-6 times (every 500 hours) within a similar 119- day timeframe. Considering a servicing cost of $400 per session, the total maintenance expense would be approximately $2,000.

Total Savings

Factoring in the maintenance cost of a diesel
generator, the overall savings with the Ec0G3N unit increase to $15,225.20. This demonstrates a strong return on investment despite the initial capital expenditure for the Ec0G3N unit.

Environmental Impact

The Ec0G3N unit also offers a significant environmental benefit. Its operation during the project resulted in an estimated offset of 29.238 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Lifespan Advantage

An additional benefit of the Ec0G3N unit is its extended lifespan. Compared to a diesel generator with a typical lifespan of 3-5 years, the Ec0G3N boasts an estimated lifespan of 10 years, further enhancing its long-term value proposition.

“The Ec0G3N is more cost-effective over the hire of a normal generator and is working better than we hoped for, we are really happy with it. We would absolutely recommend it anywhere even if it’s not that remote. The pure time saving of not having to fill up a generator is one less task to do,” John, QCCS, Mackay

This case study demonstrates the economic and environmental advantages of using an Ec0G3N unit compared to a traditional diesel generator in construction applications. The Ec0G3N unit offers significant fuel savings, reduces maintenance costs, and boasts a longer lifespan, making it a compelling choice for environmentally conscious businesses seeking long-term cost benefits.